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学生事务处400号楼 Vallejo Center 新瓦卡维尔中心的建筑图纸



mg电子官网巴列霍中心项目 - The New Vallejo Center is a multi-story facility that allows us to greatly expand our course offerings and services to the residents of Vallejo, 贝尼西亚和整个索拉诺县. 新设施包括教室, a lecture hall, 计算机实验室, 书店配送空间, 青年剧场排演场地, 艺术展览区和户外空间学习和放松. The District acquired the 10-acre site which is located northeast of Vallejo off Columbus Parkway.

mg电子官网 Vacaville Center Project, Currently in Construction
委员会已经完成了该中心的总体规划. The cost estimates were based on the proposed programs and space requirements agreed upon at the time of the development of the District's Facility Master Plan. 该遗址占地60英亩. 虽然已拟定预算, priorities at the District level are changing and the planning will need to take these changes into account. The project estimates also include the cost of Group II equipment for the space allocation defined in the project.

This is a new two-story building that was constructed on our Fairfield Campus to consolidate and improve student access to Student Services Programs. 这座建筑也有教室,以扩大和加强学生的学习. At this location, the building establishes a new central entry plaza and provides a "one-stop" service location for all students.

建筑700人文, 800幢卫生服务, Renovations, 900号楼新学院办公大楼

这些项目将使该地区符合第24章的规定, 第504号行政命令, 美国残疾人法案. 第一阶段,提供通往所有建筑和项目的基本通道. The planning and working drawings have been completed and approved for Phase I. Phase II includes all of the remaining work to be in full compliance with the 美国残疾人法案. Building evaluations, preliminary plans and cost estimates have been completed for Phase II. Projects directly related to a specific building have been scheduled to coincide with the building's renovation and scheduled maintenance projects.

This area includes several major Projects; such as replacement of five 15 Kv electrical substations, 维修/更换热水和冷水分配系统, 并更换地下生活用水隔离值. The remaining projects are defined in the District's Five Year Scheduled Maintenance Plan. The first project, including hot and cold water distribution is complete.

Sports Complex
This project includes major renovations and expansion to the District's athletic facilities. 装修包括足球场和垒球场, 对棒球和橄榄球场馆进行重大翻新. Cost estimates for these projects were completed by the District's Architect based on approved plans.

The renovation of these three buildings was combined into one phased construction contract, 完工于2005年夏秋两季.

This project includes the upgrade of exterior lighting systems and the installation of building security and surveillance systems. 这些项目已经完成了一些初步规划. 费用概算是根据当时提供的资料计算的.

This is a series of scheduled maintenance repair projects listed in the District's Five Year Schedule Maintenance Plan and staged over the six years projected duration of the Bond Construction Plan. While the costs have been identified, no detailed plans have been prepared. Projects directly related to a specific building have been scheduled to coincide with the building's renovation and ADA Phase I and II projects.


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