


The Flexible (Flex) Calendar program allows participating colleges to provide opportunities 专业发展 代替 普通指令. Flex是由 校长的办公室 根据 加州法规第5章.


Flex信贷 is the number of hours engaged in activities that promote staff, student, 以及教学改进. 参与者每次获得一(1)小时的Flex学分 活动时间. 演讲者可以获得双倍学分,例如,两(2)小时的Flex 每小时活动的学分.


Flex obligation is the total number of Flex信贷 hours that must be earned 在 一学年. 所有SCC全职教师都有弹性义务. 兼职教师 在SCC没有Flex义务. 管理员和员工没有Flex义务 虽然特定职位可能有其他要求. 请与您的直接 主管了解详情.


符合准则的活动 校长的办公室 和法规 标题5 as related to staff, student, 以及教学改进 are considered "Flex". Such activities include, but need 不 be limited to, 以下几点:

  1. 课程教学与评价;
  2. staff development, in-service training 以及教学改进;
  3. program 和 course curriculum or learning resource development 和 evaluation;
  4. 学生人事服务;
  5. 学习资源服务;
  6. related activities such as advising, guidance, orientation, matriculation services, 学生、教师和员工的多样性;
  7. departmental or division meetings, conferences 和 workshops, 和 institutional re搜索;
  8. 地区交办的其他工作;
  9. 上述必要的支持活动.

See the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Flexible Calendar Program from the 校长的办公室 for a more comprehensive list of the formats 和 kinds of activities that count as Flex信贷.


Generally, activities that meet the "Flex Test" are considered Flex eligible:

  1. Does the activity contribute to staff, student, 和/or instructional improvement?
    1. 员工改进 – Activities to improve job-related knowledge, skills, or abilities.
    2. 学生的进步 -改善学生服务的活动.
    3. 教学改进 -改善教与学的活动.
  2. 该活动是否自愿且无报酬?
    1. 自愿的 -活动 不能 be required for completion of essential job-related duties 和 responsibilities.
    2. 无偿 -活动 不能 提供任何形式的补偿.g. 酬金、晋升、津贴等.
  3. 纳税人会同意这样使用资金吗?
    1. 公共雇员 ——作为公务员,mg摆脱网站对纳税人负责. 纳税人会同意吗? of their tax dollars being used for this activity instead of regular job-related duties?
    2. 检查/审计 – Professional development/Flex Cal reports are records that are subject to review 和/or audit by any member of the public until disposal as determined by 标题5 (第59025节).

If the answers to all of the above questions are affirmative, then the activity 五月 被算作灵活学分. 


Any employee traveling to a conference, training, workshop, or other work-related 事件必须完成 第一部分-请求出席 旅行授权和报销申请(TARC)表格 at least 报名前两周 (预付现金/预付费用为四周). 出差到其他州的员工 必须提交表格 六个星期 提前登记.

Employees that plan to apply 专业发展 funds, request cash advance/prepaid expenses, 和/or travel out-of-state 必须提交表格 four to 六个星期 in advance 允许处理. 具体请参见《mg摆脱网站》.

注意加州 立法会条例草案. 1887 prohibits state-funded 和 state-sponsored travel to states with discriminatory laws. 请参阅 website of the Attorney General for states that are currently subject 到加州禁止国家资助和赞助的旅行;


The 专业发展/Flexible Calendar (PDFC) committee has funds to support employee participation in conferences, workshops, trainings or other professional development activities as related to staff, student, 以及教学改进.

所有与地区有关的旅行必须获得授权 之前 到指定的出发时间. 所有的报销要求都是合理的; 和 at the lowest rates available, except in extenuating circumstances (AP4480).

注意加州 立法会条例草案. 1887 prohibits state-funded 和 state-sponsored travel to states with discriminatory laws. 请参阅 website of the Attorney General for states that are currently subject 到加州禁止国家资助和赞助的旅行;


PDFC遵循 第五条[81750-87154] of California Education Code stating authorized uses of funds shall include all of 以下几点:

  1. 改进教学;
  2. Maintenance of current academic 和 technical knowledge 和 skills;
  3. In-service training for vocational education 和 employment preparation programs;
  4. 再培训以满足不断变化的机构需要;
  5. 校际交流项目;
  6. Development of innovations in instructional 和 administrative techniques 和 program 有效性;
  7. 计算机和技术能力课程;
  8. Courses 和 training implementing affirmative action 和 upward mobility programs; 和
  9. Other activities determined to be related to educational 和 professional development pursuant to criteria established by the Board of Governors of the California 社区 Colleges, including, but 不 necessarily limited to, programs designed to develop 自尊.

不符合上述一项或多项标准的事件 有资格申请专业发展基金.



Employees that plan to participate in a professional development event that meets 如符合上述准则,可填写以下表格申请资助:

  1. 旅行授权和报销申请 -第一部分-申请参加
    • 包括可允许费用的预算副本
    • 不由活动提供的膳食增加每日津贴
    • 签署和日期
    • 获得主管的签名和日期
  2. 专业发展补助金申请
    • Provide a description explaining how the activity meets the criteria for professional 发展基金
    • Attach a descriptive brochure of the activity schedule with relevant information (e.g. 日期、地点等.)
    • 指示请求的总金额
    • 签署和日期
  3. 检查表
    • Ensure that all forms 和 supporting documents are included in the application packet

将文档作为附件上传到 前景的形式 在登录Outlook时. Individuals that apply for more than one grant per academic year are required to 回答补充问题(在这里). 注意 到期日期委员会的信息 页面. 请参阅 专业发展资助程序 了解更多信息.

What happens to professional 发展基金 applications after submission?


First, 专业发展 (PD) application packets are checked for completeness. 应用程序包是 提交至发展谘询委员会,直至完成为止. PD管理人员请求 必要时申请人的表格或文件丢失.

Second, completed PD application packets are forwarded to the 专业发展 协调员. Applicants names are added to the agenda for the upcoming PDFC committee 会议(见 委员会 会议日期和议程页面). 

Next, the PDFC committee evaluates PD application packets using a st和ard 标题 如时间允许(每次会议最多30分钟). 经审核的申请可获批准; 返回以获取附加信息,或被拒绝. 任何剩余的应用程序都被携带 等待下次委员会会议(见 委员会 会议日期和议程页面). 

Lastly, the 专业发展 协调员 不ifies applicants of the outcome 在委员会作出决定后的一周内提交申请. 应用程序包 退回PD行政人员处理.


Allowable expenses are indicated 在 旅行授权和报销申请 form. 请仔细阅读此表格以了解具体信息. 一般来说,专业 发展基金 五月 被用于运输(到… 从活动开始)、住宿(如果有必要的话)、登记( 包括会员费),餐费(如果 包括注册费用)和其他费用(如.g. 停车费、过桥费等.).

所有与地区有关的旅行必须获得授权 之前 到指定的出发时间. 所有的报销要求都是合理的; 和 at the lowest rates available, except in extenuating circumstances (AP4480).

注意加州 立法会条例草案. 1887 prohibits state-funded 和 state-sponsored travel to states with discriminatory laws. 请参阅 website of the Attorney General for states that are currently subject 到加州禁止国家资助和赞助的旅行;


Expenses for mileage 和 meals are based on st和ard rates as issued by the Internal 税务局(IRS):








I在区外旅行, the District 五月 provide an allowance for meals starting with the time of departure. Expenses for meals are based 在 location of the conference/activity 和 shall 不得超过由 U.S. 总务管理局.


If an application is approved with sufficient time, then applicants 五月 request a 预支现金或预付费用. 完整的 第二部分-要求预付现金/预付费用 旅行授权和报销申请(TARC)表格 和 submit to the PD行政人员处理.



If your application is approved for funding by the PDFC committee, then you are eligible 报销允许的费用. 完整的 第三部分-要求偿还 旅行授权和报销申请(TARC)表格. 提交填妥的 TARC表格 原始 收据交给警署行政人员 从授权旅行返回后的七(7)个日历日. 教务处副校长审查所有文件. 一旦获得批准 通过VPAA,这些表格将被转发给财务处进行审查. 报销 除非另有安排,支票以邮寄方式到达.





